Guide to authors

Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism usually starts with a small sentence or paragraph being used without proper quotation or reference and escalates into copying of the whole papers or articles. Copying of ideas, data and other creative work (e.g. tables, figures and graphs) and presenting it as original research without proper citation is also plagiarism.

The manuscript will be retracted and the author sanctioned from publishing papers at CMSS journal if any evidence of plagiarism is found before/after acceptance or after publication of the paper.

In conclusion, we consider plagiarism a serious violation of ethical principles – whether intentional or not.

Instructions to Authors

Manuscripts must be submitted online, using the form , after the preparation steps have been followed. If the submission is completed the author(s) will receive an acknowledgement e-mail.

All correspondence should be sent to e-mail address.

Required files format

Manuscripts must be in *.doc or *.docx  (Microsoft Word)  format only.

Preparation of Manuscripts

We accept only English manuscripts easy to read with good grammatical construction and no spelling errors. Also the ideas of the work must be clearly presented. The manuscript should present scientific findings which are essentially new and which have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Review papers are also welcomed.

 1. Format:

The formatting  of the manuscript is the responsibility of the author, and should be done before initial submission. A template for download is available to guide authors in the preparation of the manuscript click here .

2. Length:

Manuscripts should be no less than 5 pages and no more than 30 pages (including figures, tables, and references).

3. Sections of Manuscript:

– Reviews Articles

Article Title, Authors’ names and institutional affiliations, Abstract and Keywords, Introduction, Main text (divided into subheadings), Conclusions, Acknowledgements (if any), List of Abbreviations (if any), References.

– Research Articles

Article Title, Authors’ names and institutional affiliations, Abstract and Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements (if any), List of Abbreviations(if any), References

3.1. Title (20 words or less)

The title must be succinct (accurately reflecting the major findings of the work), brief and grammatically correct.

3.2. Authors’ names and institutional affiliations

The full author names (with no titles or qualifications), institutional addresses (Department, Institute, City, Postal/Zip code, Country), and email addresses for all authors must be included. Authors and affiliations must be linked using superscript numerals. The corresponding author should also be indicated.

3.3. Abstract and Keywords

The abstract must be concise and sufficient (clearly summarizing the background, methodology, results, and significance of the study) with no more than 300 words. Please do not include any citations and avoid abbreviations.  Also provide 5 carefully chosen keywords.

3.4. Introduction

The introduction must state the objectives and background, providing a literature survey.

3.5. Materials and Methods

The procedures used by the authors should be well described so that other scientist could repeat the steps, but materials and methods should not be a set of instructions. It may helpful to include a diagram, table or flowchart to explain the methods you used. Organize your presentation so your reader will understand the logical flow of the experiment(s); subheadings work well for this purpose.

3.6. Results

In this section the key results must be presented so that they support the conclusions of the paper. The section may be divided into subsections, each with a concise subheading. Large datasets, including raw data, should be submitted as supporting files; these are published online alongside the accepted article. When reporting the key results, you can refer to your figures and tables.

3.7. Discussion

In this section you should interpret your results in light of what was already known from previous research. The new understandings of the problem after taking your results into consideration should also be presented.

3.8. Conclusions

The significance of your research paper should be understood reading this section. You should show how you’ve brought closure to the research problem, and point out remaining gaps in knowledge by suggesting issues for further research.

3.9. Acknowledgements (include as needed)

If you received significant help from someone, such as receiving materials or designing your work, you must acknowledge their assistance and the service or material provided. Also, in this section the authors could mention the financing source of their work.

3.10.  List of Abbreviations

A list of non-standard abbreviations should be created and described.

3.11.  References

The reference list at the end of your paper is mandatory. Each source you cite in the paper must appear in your reference list; likewise, each entry in the reference list must be cited in your text. References shall be written in accordance with the Chicago Manual of Style.

The authors shall visit for rapid guidelines.

3.12.  Tables

Each table must have a title that is concise. The rest of the table legend and any footnotes should be placed below the table. Footnotes can be used to explain abbreviations.

Tables must be cell-based, such as would be produced in a spreadsheet program or in Microsoft Word. Do not provide tables as graphic objects. Do not include color, shading, lines, rules, text boxes, tabs, returns, or pictures within the table.

3.13.  Figures

Figures should be as small and simple as is compatible with their clarity.

The goal for figures is to be comprehensible to readers in other or related disciplines, and to assist their understanding of the paper. All illustrations must be numbered consecutively, as Figure 1, Figure 2. Center figure captions beneath the figure. Do not assemble figures at the back of your article, but place them as close as possible to where they are mentioned in the main text. No part of a figure should go beyond the typing area.

3.14.  Equations

Number equations consecutively. Equation numbers, within parentheses, will be right aligned, as in Eq. (1) or equation (1), using a right tab stop.


Note that the formula is centered using a center tab stop. Be sure that the symbols in your formula have been defined before or immediately following the equation. Use “Eq. (1)” or “equation (1)”, not “(1)”, in the sentences.

Notation. Notation must be clear, compact, and consistent with standard usage. In general, acronyms should be defined at first use.

Variables and Vectors. Set single-letter variables in italics (e.g. m). Set vectors in boldface (e.g. E). Derivative “d,” abbreviations, and multi-letter identifiers should be set in roman (plain) type (e.g. cos, ∫…dx).




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Having in view the fact that over the past years you have publishes studies within CMSS-COMPUTATIONAL METHODS IN SOCIAL SCIENCES (hereinafter “CMSS”), we consider that you have to bear in mind the following:

  • The University holds some of your personal data as a result of the transfer of copyrights to the studies you have published: name, surname, academic degree, institutional affiliation, e-mail address, telephone number, correspondence address.
  • The processing of the respective personal data involves communication with the authors in order to publish the studies, publication of the accepted studies in CMSS and indexation of the journal in international databases.
  • The legal ground for processing is: art. 9 para. (2) letter j) of the GDPR – “processing is necessary for (…) scientific (…) research purposes (… ) based on Union or Member State law”.
  • The personal data processing time limit: the studies have been published and indexed in international databases, being available online (name, surname, academic degree, institutional affiliation, e-mail address). The other personal data necessary for the contact with the author (telephone number, correspondence address) are stored in our electronic archive.

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Hoping that all of this information has been helpful, we remain at your disposal should you have any questions or need any further information.

Kind regards,